TCPA Litigation News

Why TCPA Litagator Scrubing is Important. New Repeat TCPA Litigator starts TCPA Class Action

There is a new filing in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania: Perrong v. Delaney Construction Paving, et al., case number 2:22-cv-03261-JMY. This filing is against an individual as well as the construction company that he operates. The plaintiff claims to have received two phone calls, both of which he did not answer. He claims that these calls cost him 0.005 and $0.004, so less than a penny total in actual damages. This clearly should make businesses realize that there is risk of TCPA litigation even if it is just a few calls that are at issue. TCPA Litigator scrubbing can mitigate the risk of lawsuits. TCPA Litigator List provides daily updates for their scrub list.